נשי ובנות חב”ד
מכיון שנמצאים אנו בהזמן ד״ערב גאולה״ ממש – הרי מובן שכהנ״ל שייך גם לנשי ובנות ישראל. . והיינו שעליהן להוסיף בהלימוד שלהן עצמן שהרי גם הנשים חייבין ללמוד הלכות הצריכות להן, שבהלכות אלו נכלל כמובן לימוד עניני תורת החסידות. – לקו”ש חכ”ג
Since we find ourselves in the time immediately preceding the Geulah, It is incumbent upon the women to increase in their studies, as women are obligated to study laws that are relevant to them, which includes the study of Chassidus.
Since we find ourselves in the time immediately preceding the Geulah, It is incumbent upon the women to increase in their studies, as women are obligated to study laws that are relevant to them, which includes the study of Chassidus.
In addition to the various Shiurim and resources available, we will be”h offer a Shiur by women on each Sicha. Partial list women giving a Shiur: